Look, I know that THE HANGOVER is coming out, and Ken Jeong is perhaps less than magnificently well-endowed, but that shouldn't cross over to all Asians. Besides, maybe he's a grower, and not a shower.

I do kinda wonder about discrimination in terms of men over the race of women they date. I mean, exactly what questions are they asking? 'Cause all I know is that if I was polled, the race I would pick would be "whatever gets me laid."
Fuck race. Literally.
Ironically, that makes me both enlightened and not enlightened at the same time. How's that for the advancement of the species? To quote, "Asian American men are the least preferred mate for Caucasian women." For the record, the majority of the women that I have dated have been white. I think of it as my way of sticking it to the (wo)Man.
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